
As a member of AVAR, we want you to have access to support during and after the field season. There are always AVAR volunteers with First Aid and Mental Health First Aid certifications on each dig. During digs if you feel off, need help or just want to talk, let an AVAR staff member know. We are there to listen and help.

When you are back at home, we hope you stay in touch with your AVAR community for support and camaraderie. As our community grows, we will create local AVAR groups on Facebook.

At AVAR we encourage everyone to seek support when they need it. We work to end the stigma of mental illness and disabilities. We believe that we all have different abilities and strengths which makes are community great. Due to the nature our our program, staff are not available at all times; therefore, if you need support immediately, please consider the following:

In an emergency situation, call 911.

If you are in crisis, you can contact the Veterans Crisis Line which is open 24/7 and confidential.

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